Organization Management | Kenya Medical Training College (2025)

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Functions of the KMTC CEO are to:

(a) Be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the College.

(b) Provide leadership to KMTC senior management and staff.

(c) Prepare the KMTC annual budgets and establish proper internal controls.

(d) Be responsible for the execution and communication of the Board’s strategies, decisions and policies.

(e) Develop and recommend to the Board KMTC annual business plans.

(f) Ensure the College has an effective management structure including succession plans.

(g) Ensure that all Board papers are accurately written, are relevant and are availed to the Board Directors in good time.

(h) Serve as the link between the Board and the Management.

(i) Be responsible for the achievement of KMTC objectives.

(j) Put in place effective administrative structures, processes and systems.

(k) Provide regular, thorough and prompt communication to the Board on key technical, financial and administrative matters.

(l) Be responsible for stakeholder management and the enhancement of the corporate image of KMTC.

The Deputy Director Academics

Functions of the Deputy Director (Academics) are to:

  1. Oversee overall administration and coordination of academic matters in the College
  2. Initiate, develop and implement KMTC policies, strategies, procedures and methods that would result in improved academic standards and status of the College
  3. Provide leadership in teaching, research and consultancy in relevant areas
  4. Coordinate and evaluate training programmes
  5. Offer professional advice and guidance on best practices to achieve academic excellence in KMTC
  6. Develop and implement KMTC curricular
  7. Oversee implementation of Academic Board resolutions
  8. Ensure Quality Assurance/ Quality Management Systems in academics
  9. Supervise development and implementation of KMTC strategies, policies, programmes and projects
  10. Develop citizen-focused and results-oriented service delivery systems

The Deputy Director Finance Planning and Administration

Functions of Deputy Director (Finance Planning and Administration) are to: –

  • Control, coordinate, organize, manage and administer all funds and assets of the College
  • Oversee general administration and financial matters of the College
  • Initiate, develop and implement administration policies of the College
  • Determine, allocate and prudently manage the utilization of physical and financial resources
  • Provide and maintain efficient secretariat for the Board of Directors
  • Coordinate the response to parliamentary issues
  • Performance contracting

Corporation Secretary

Functions of the KMTC Corporation Secretary are to:

(a) Provide guidance to the Board on their duties and responsibilities and on matters of governance.

(b) Assist the Board in carrying out the following:

  1. Board induction and training
  2. Updating the Board and Committee charters

iii. Preparation of Board work plans

  1. Board evaluation
  2. Governance audit
  3. Implementation of the code of conduct and ethics.

(c) Ensure timely preparation and circulation of Board and Committee papers.

(d) Ensure timely circulation of Board and Committee minutes.

(e) Be the custodian of the KMTC seal and account to the Board for its use.

(f) Maintain and update the register of conflicts of interest.

(g) Ensure that Board Directors are aware of all relevant laws affecting KMTC.

(h) Facilitate effective communication between KMTC and stakeholders.

(i) Ensure that annual returns are promptly filed with the relevant authorities.

(j) Except in exceptional circumstances, ensure that Board and Committee papers are circulated in advance of any meeting.


Functions of Kenya Medical Training College Finance are to:
a) Co-ordinate, design, implement and control of financial systems in the College
b) Prioritize activities, projects and programmes
c) Ensure safe custody of all service performance bonds
d) Develop improved budgetary practices and systems
e) Review financial and physical implementation of major projects and programmes
f) Initiate corrective action on policy changes
g) Budgetary control
h) Design and develop accounting standards
i) Provide advice on appropriate financial reporting formats
j) Develop guidelines for accounting staff
k) Ensure proper banking arrangements are in place
l) Review career guidelines of the accounting /finance staff

Supply Chain Management

Functions of Kenya Medical Training College Supply Chain are to:

  1. Co-ordinate and manage procurement and supplies
  2. Initiate and develop supply chain management policies, procedures and performance improvement strategies
  3. Analyze chain management systems
  4. Analyze the impact of supply chain management policies, rules and regulations
  5. Ensure high professional supply chain management standards
  6. Interpret laws and statutes that impact on supply chain management
  7. Undertake supply chain risk management
  8. Ensure adequate budgetary and logistical support for supply and delivery of goods and services
  9. Train and deploy staff in the unit


Functions of the Kenya Medical Training College Registrar are to:
a) Coordinate the design, development and review of curriculum
b) Implement research activities in the College
c) Coordinate College examinations
d) Compile and coordinate academic reports
e) Ensure maintenance of students’ discipline and welfare
f) Advise on best management of campuses and student affairs
g) Ensure collaboration and partnerships in research, and examination with relevant
h) Ensure ethical and professional conduct and standards in the College

Principals of Campuses

Functions of Kenya Medical Training College Principals are to:

  1. Oversee overall administration and coordination of academic matters in the Campus
  2. Provide leadership in teaching, research and consultancy in relevant areas
  3. Coordinate and evaluate training programmes
  4. Offer professional advice and guidance on best practices to achieve academic excellence in KMTC
  5. Develop and implement the KMTC curricular
  • Oversee implementation of Academic Board resolutions
  • Quality Assurance/Quality Management Systems
  • Student admissions, welfare and discipline
  • Supervise development and implement of institution’s strategies, policies, programmes and projects

Legal Services Affairs

  1. Functions of the Kenya Medical Training College Legal Services are to:
    Advise the College on legal and regulatory matters including assisting in Board meetings
  2. Advise on negotiations and take part in corporate undertakings
  3. Advise on principals of corporate governance
  4. Interpret legal opinions and offer guidance on legal requirements
  5. Represent the College in law courts and quasi judicial tribunals
  6. Draw and execute letters of offer/ contracts

Human Resources

Functions of Kenya Medical Training College Human Resource are to:

  1. Ensure efficient operational management of the human resources function in the College
  2. Initiate, develop and implement appropriate human resource policies

Administrative Services

Functions of Kenya Medical Training College Administrative Services are to:
a) Ensure security of KMTC staff and facilities
b) Manage KMTC transport
c) Maintain College buildings and equipment
d) Manage College resources and assets
e) Compile speeches and briefs
f) Maintain KMTC grounds
g) Compile administrative reports
h) Respond to parliamentary business
i) Initiate administrative policies
j) Manage clerical functions in the College
k) Prepare budgets and estimates for the department

Corporate Communication

Functions of the Kenya Medical Training College Corporate Communication
are to:
a) Advise the College on appropriate Corporate Communication policies and strategies
b) Provide interface between the College and other stakeholders
c) Initiate and develop Corporate Social Responsibility programmes
d) Monitor and update the KMTC’s policy debate within government
e) Maintain positive corporate image
f) Develop the corporate trend

g) Co-ordinate organization of protocol functions and other events

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Functions of the Kenya Medical Training College Information and Communication Technology are to:

  1. Evaluate systems ensuring adherence to established ICT standards
  2. Train and prepare staff maintenance reports
  3. Oversee system development and implementation
  4. Prepare progress reports of the systems development
  5. Design, recommend and evaluate systems
  6. Implement, maintain and document systems standards
  7. Plan, monitor and evaluate program activities
  8. Liaise with user management for information processing
  9. Review and evaluate feasibility studies
  10. Ensure adherence to Information Communication Technology standards

Internal Audit

Functions of internal audit are to:

  1. Advice the board on commitments entered into without budgetary provision and adequate funds
  2. Carry out investigations on irregularities identified
  3. Report any wastage of college funds and properties
  4. Assess training needs for Internal Auditors
  5. Review Audit systems

Chief Security Office

Functions of chief security office are to:

  1. Undertake risk and disaster management
  2. Deploy, train and develop security personnel
  3. Initiate, develop, review and implement security policies in the College
  4. Coordinate emergency procedures and contingency planning
  5. Maintain records and charts of crimes and incidents
  6. Oversee security surveys and inspections
  7. Prepare periodic returns on operational matters
  8. Plan and design security documents e.g. passes, registers
  9. Liaise with relevant security agencies through security meetings and attend management meetings
  10. Coordinate investigations and prosecutions
  11. Profile crime cases
  12. Train and develop staff
Organization Management | Kenya Medical Training College (2025)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.